Deskripsi Acara
ONE DAY AS A MEDICAL RESEARCHER: Understanding Research in Sports Medicine: play and learn how to get it from the different perspective, diselenggarakan atas kolaborasi klaster Center For Sports and Excercise Studies (CSES), klaster Metabolic Diseorder, Cardiovascular and Aging (MVA) dan klaster Human Nutrition Reserach Center (HNRC).
Peserta: Pelajar SMA, Mahasiswa Kedokteran & Ilmu Kesehatan, dan Dokter
1. dr. Ria Lestari, B.Med.Sc, PG.Dip.SEM, Sp.KO
2. dr. Farid Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Ph.D
3. Dr. dr. Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam, M.Gizi., Sp.GK(K)
Hari,tanggal: Rabu, 3 Juli 2024
Waktu: 08.00 - 11.00 WIB
Tempat: Classroom 3, lantai 7, Tower Edukasi IMERI FKUI
1. Impact of physical exercise in daily life
2. Exercise is medicine: the forgotten medicine
3. Improving patient's quality of life through physical activity
4. A hindrance to exercise: how to exercise in urban and rural living
Benefit: Group work experience, Hands On, Lunch, Snack, & Sertifikat
For the best proposal get a Free Consultation with Sports Medicine Specialist and Body Composition Measurement (valued at IDR 535.000)
Yuk, beli tiketnya segera, kuota terbatas!
CONTACT PERSON: 0812-1910-9499
Info lebih lanjut:
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